A Familiar Fairytale Dyslexic Text Based Advent...
Brilliant Bea written by Shaina Rudolph and Mary Vukadinovich with illustrations by Fiona Lee is an important read and truly an eye-opener for anyone not familiar with dyslexia. I once attended a workshop where participants were given various tasks to perform as seen through the lens of someone with this learning difference. By the end, I was frustrated, mentally exhausted, and had a splitting headache. I had new admiration and respect for my dyslexic friends and friends of my children.
A Familiar Fairytale Dyslexic Text Based Advent...
Formerly, the social validation of correct opinion had been the prerogative of local force-based hierarchies, based on tradition, and intended to serve the powerful. Even disputes in natural philosophy had been settled by appeals to the textual authority of venerated ancients such as Aristotle. What alternative could there be? Yet, when the unified front of religious and secular authority began to fragment, logic and evidence could begin to play a role. What makes science distinct is that it is the human activity in which logic and evidence (suspect, because potentially subversive of authority) are allowed to play at least some role in evaluating claims.
The most interesting trend in the development of the Internet is not how it is changing people's ways of thinking but how it is adapting to the way that people think. The leap in Internet usage that accompanied the appearance of the World Wide Web more than a decade ago came from its user interface, the graphical browser, which worked around the serial, line-based processing of the actual computer hardware to simulate a familiar visual world of windows, icons, and buttons. The changes we are seeing more recently include even more natural interfaces (speech, language, manual manipulation), better emulation of human expertise (as in movie, book, or music recommendations, and more intelligent search), and the application of Web technologies to social and emotional purposes (such as social networking, sharing of pictures, music, and video) rather than just the traditional nerdy ones.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assesses children on reading and math skills at age 15. PISA-D encourages and facilitates PISA testing in low- and middle-income countries.[146] In 2019, "PISA-D results reveal exceptionally low scores for participating countries. Only 23 percent of students tested achieved the minimum level of proficiency in reading, compared with 80 percent of OECD".[147] Minimum proficiency requires students to read "simple and familiar texts and understand them literally", as well as demonstrating some ability to connect pieces of information and draw inferences, which is a relatively low bar for literacy.[147]
Out of all the approaches to reading instruction, the two that are the most commonly used in schools are structured literacy instruction and balanced literacy instruction. The structured literacy approach explicitly and systematically focuses on phonological awareness, word recognition, phonics and decoding, spelling, and syntax at both the sentence and paragraph levels.[170] The balanced literacy approach, as the name suggests, balances emphasis on phonics and decoding, with shared, guided, and independent reading as well as Grapheme representations along with context and imagery.[170] Both approaches have their critics - those who oppose structured literacy claim that by restricting students to phonemes, their fluency development is limited. Critics of balanced literacy claim that if phonics and decoding instruction is neglected, students will have to rely on compensatory strategies when confronted with unfamiliar text.[170] These strategies include memorizing words, using context to guess words, and even skipping ones they do not know.[171] These strategies are taught to students as part of the balanced literacy approach based on a theory about reading development called the three cueing system. The three-cueing system is used to determine the meaning of words by using grapho-phonetic cues (letter-sound relationships), syntactic cues (grammatical structure), and semantic cues (a word making sense in context).[172] However, cognitive neuroscientists Mark Seidenberg and professor Timothy Shanahan do not support the theory. They say the three-cueing system's value in reading instruction "is a magnificent work of the imagination", and it developed not because teachers lack integrity, commitment, motivation, sincerity, or intelligence, but because they "were poorly trained and advised" about the science of reading. In England, the simple view of reading and synthetic phonics are intended to replace "the searchlights multi-cueing model".[173][174][175]
A decodable book featuring four phonics stories specially designed to help children of all abilities overcome language-based learning difficulties.Meg and Greg are off on a series of summer advent... Read more
With colorful images of familiar objects, clean text, and opportunities for recognition and pronunciation practice, beginning readers will learn and recognize words that begin with Ch, such as chai... Read more
There's a parade on Main Street! Vibrant images and enjoyable text make this story engaging and delightful for beginning readers. Sight and challenge words work in conjunction with familiar vocabul... Read more
Beginning readers learn and practice their pronunciation and recognition of words that begin with Y in this captivating book that features vibrant images of familiar objects and fresh, clear text t... Read more
Most people, even those who are far removed from the world of design, are familiar with some type of typography and its ability to transform any text, help out dyslexics or stretch an eight page paper
This Chinese Bridge online- Elementary level is designed for NYU Shanghai students who are currently studying away. This ten-week non-credit internet-based Chinese language study will provide language materials based on Elementary level vocabulary and grammars to help students to review and maintain the language proficiency and help prepare students for the intermediate level study while being absent from the target language environment. This online study will be held twice a week, with one recorded video and one live session online. By completing the study with the Chinese Bridge Online, students will not only review the most of the important vocabulary and grammars from Elementary level in new topics, but also have opportunity to learn new useful words and phrases in authentic context and therefore students will be ready for moving on to next Intermediate level.
Students will work with traditional and digital photographic practices to engage with the people, art, and traditions of China. The class will include field trips to museums, galleries and studios, allowing students to interact with outstanding local photographers, media-based artists, and the city's creative community. Assigned readings will help students understand the historical and theoretical context of photographic work, and deepen the meaning of critiques and discussions. Experimentation will be encouraged, and students will respond to the experiences, ideas, and influences they encounter abroad through the work they create. Projects may range from classical photographs to digital prints and installation.
What role does art play in our contemporary society? Who is it for, what does it represent, and why? How can we, as visual culture participants and producers, ensure that we are relevant, engaged, engaging, and inclusive? How does locality and culture play a part in how we think about and present what we are making? The main purpose of this course is to integrate students into Shanghai through outreach and collaborative projects in order to give them the opportunity to interact artistically and directly with Chinese communities as well as consider themselves in relation to those communities. They will develop and realize projects specific to various communities in Shanghai. Students will learn to incorporate theory, studio, and social engagement practices (collaborative, workshopping, and interactive skills) in their understanding and making of art. They will consider notions of visibility, viewership, and authorship, in a global context, joining the dialogue regarding art practice shifting towards engaging communities outside of the specific art sphere. In the visual arts, conscious engagement with communities is both a way to open up new considerations and approaches to visual culture language as well as make spaces for autonomy and agency. In order to ground their visual pursuits, students will deepen their conceptual development of ideas through discourse based on selected art references, theoretical, critical and contemporary readings. Students will become proficient in the fundamental skills needed to conduct research, write an artist statement, develop language for critical thinking, and formulate a work-in-progress studio outline. Through open, experimental, and cross-disciplinary studio practice, students will develop one comprehensive, semester-long, collaborative project. Class fees: $25.00 per student Prerequisites: None.
This course traces movements in North American and European art from 1945 to the present. Through a study of primary and secondary texts, artwork examples, and historic context students will explore how artists went beyond primarily object-based art and how institutional frameworks, media, politics, and social relations, informed contemporary art practice. The different ways artists engage with notions of space will also be examined. At the end of this course, students should be able to identify contemporary art movements, key artists, and relevant artworks. They should also be able to articulate the conceptual and visual strategies employed in these works and have a basic knowledge of the milieu in which they were produced. 041b061a72