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Ashot Vorobyov

I Forgot To Turn In My Homework

For as long as teachers have assigned tasks in exchange for grades, late work has been a problem. What do we do when a student turns in work late? Do we give some kind of consequence or accept assignments at any time with no penalty? Do we set up some kind of system that keeps students motivated while still holding them accountable? Is there a way to manage all of this without driving ourselves crazy?

i forgot to turn in my homework

Point DeductionsIn many cases, teachers simply reduce the grade as a result of the lateness. Some teachers will take off a certain number of points per day until they reach a cutoff date after which the work will no longer be accepted. One teacher who responded said he takes off 10 percent for up to three days late, then 30 percent for work submitted up to a week late; he says most students turn their work in before the first three days are over. Others have a standard amount that comes off for any late work (like 10 percent), regardless of when it is turned in. This policy still rewards students for on-time work without completely de-motivating those who are late, builds in some accountability for lateness, and prevents the teacher from having to do a lot of mathematical juggling with a more complex system.

Parent ContactSome teachers keep track of late work and contact parents if it is not turned in. This treats the late work as more of a conduct issue; the parent contact may be in addition to or instead of taking points away.

No Feedback, No Re-DosThe real value of homework and other smaller assignments should be the opportunity for feedback: Students do an assignment, they get timely teacher feedback, and they use that feedback to improve. In many cases, teachers allow students to re-do and resubmit assignments based on that feedback. So a logical consequence of late work could be the loss of that opportunity: Several teachers mentioned that their policy is to accept late work for full credit, but only students who submit work on time will receive feedback or the chance to re-do it for a higher grade. Those who hand in late work must accept whatever score they get the first time around.

From what I have seen, if there is a benefit for turning in homework and students see this benefit more will try to accomplish what the homework is asking. So avoid penalization is okay, but make sure the ones turning it in are getting rewarded in some way.

My question to everyone is which grading technique would be more beneficial for the students? Do you believe that just taking off 30% for late work would help students more when turning in their work or do you think that as time goes by penalizing their final score will have students turn in their work more?

Additionally, have you administered or seen the no penalty and homework acceptance time limit in practice (for example, all homework must be turned in by the unit test)? I was curious if providing a deadline to accept all homework until the unit test may result in an access of papers I need to grade. From your experience, what practice(s) have you seen work well in the classroom?

Overall I found this article extremely helpful and it actually reinforced many ideas I already had about homework and deadlines. One of my favorite teachers I had in high school was always asking for our input on when we felt assignments should be due based on what extra curricular activities were taking place in a given time period. We were all extremely grateful for his consideration and worked that much harder on the given assignments.

While it is important to think about our own well-being when grading papers, I think it is just as important (if not more) to be conscious of how much work students might have in other classes or what students schedules are like outside of school. If we really want students to do their best work, we need to give them enough time to do the work. This will in turn, help them care more about the subject matter and help them dive deeper. Obviously there still needs to be deadlines, but it does not hurt to give students some autonomy and say in the classroom.

I think having students help determine the due dates for major assignments is a great idea. This works well with online schools too. Remote jobs are the future so helping students learn how to set their own due dates and to get homework done from home will prepare them for the future.

If a student wants to redo an assignment, they must turn something in. If they miss the due date, they can still turn it in, but lose the opportunity to redo the assignment. Students will meet with me one last time before they turn it in to get final feedback.

I really like the idea of a work habits grade. I struggle with students who turn things in late regularly earning the same grade as those who always turn things in on time. A work habits grade could really motivate some learners.

Thanks so much for all your insights on giving assignments or homework. All are very helpful as I prepare to return to work after an extended medical leave. It is good to refresh! Anything we require of our students should be purposeful and meaningful to them, so they will give their best to meet whatever deadlines we set. I also like asking our students when is the best time they can turn work in; this is meeting them halfway. And if one strategy does not work, there are more to try; just read this post. Thanks a bunch!!

Instead of settling for a zero, you need to come up with good excuses to convince your teacher to give you a pass. These excuses not to do homework must be rock solid or else you might end up in even more trouble.

Before you go ahead and make up your excuses not to do homework, there are some things you must pay attention to. This will let you know if the excuse will work or not. The main things are:

Sometimes family can come in the way of getting your homework done on time. This can be because of a toxic home environment, or simply because a lot is going on at the moment. Here are 4 good excuses not to do homework that can be blamed on your family:

As reliable as technology is these days, certain things may happen that will make it difficult for you to complete your homework assignments. Here are 3 excuses not to complete homework that you can blame on technology:

Unfortunately, teachers can sometimes put too much pressure on students to complete homework. Students might end up with a ton of homework that has to go in the same day, or experience scheduling conflicts with their extracurriculars. If this is your experience, here are 3 excuses not to do homework:

The team behind the Unicheck College plagiarism checker certainly remembers those times when some of us pretended to be sick as a homework excuse? Have you ever done it? And if you did, did you use your imagination power to the fullest?

Long days are gone when you could use the problem with electricity as an excuse for not doing homework. It looks like the story has been passed from generation to generation till you eventually heard it from parents. Nowadays it looks more like a funny homework excuse.

Forgetting to submit assignments is a common thing in schools today due to many preoccupations affecting the students. In this guide, we will explain the options you have if you forgot to submit your homework in order to avoid the effects of tardiness.

Sometimes, it is possible to just forget to hand in your homework or turn in your essays and papers. Some schools have no leniency to entertain any lateness. However, some students have to try their best when they get late. Here is what to do.What to Do If You Forgot to Submit Your Assignment1. Submit It anywayIf you are done with the assignment and you forgot to submit it, submitting it as soon as possible is the best option you have. The more you keep delaying with it, the more the chances of your assignment not being accepted increase.

Submitting it few hours after the deadline can make the instructor understand any excuses for late assignment you give other than submitting it days after the deadline passed.2. Alert the Professor of the latenessThe best thing to do if you forgot to submit your assignment is to alert the professor. He or she set the deadline and requires you to follow it.

They decide whether you deserve it or not and then communicates with your professor on the decision made.Before requesting an extension apologize for your lateness. Try to show that you regret not being able to submit your paper on time. 4. Giving ExcusesWhenever your assignment is late, you will have to give proper excuses as to why it is late. Good excuses can easily get you off the hook.Unavoidable events and conditions such as illnesses can be good excuses as to why you forgot to submit your assignment.

When students are allowed to submit their assignments late, the sense and responsibility of finishing assignments on time reduce.Students will submit assignments whenever they want to know that they can give excuses for late homework submission and get their assignments accepted by the instructor.Schools should always strive to prepare students for the outside world. When schools train students that submitting late assignments is right then they are not preparing the students well for the real world.There are situations in real life such as job interviews that cannot be postponed. Therefore, to instill this value, it makes sense to penalize students for late homework so that they can learn.Even in higher learning levels such as masters and Ph.D. programs late submissions are not allowed because professors at this level are very busy and try to avoid inconveniences as much as possible.

The battle about homework becomes a battle over control. Your child starts fighting to have more control over the choices in their life, while you feel that your job as a parent is to be in control of things. So you both fight harder, and it turns into a war in your home. 350c69d7ab

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